Tag Archives: Stewardship

Nov 24 – Last Sunday of the Church Year

The Divine Service for the Last Sunday of the Church Year (November 24, 2024)

“Stay Awake!” – Mark 13:24-37

We welcome the Hope Lutheran High School choir in worship today as they sing during the service.

November 24 worship service (web version)
November 24 bulletin (PDF)
November 24 announcements (PDF)

One of the services (usually 10:15) will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
30 S Wabasha
Plainview, MN 55964

NOTE: 2025 offering envelopes are available to pick up in the church resource room.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Members: If you have offering envelopes and wish to mail your offering, they are addressed and just need a stamp.

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

Nov 17 – 26th Sunday after Pentecost

The Divine Service for the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost (November 17, 2024)

“Disciples to the End” – Mark 13:1-13

November 17 worship service (web version)
November 17 bulletin (PDF)
November 17 announcements (PDF)

Other repeat inserts for your consideration:
November 23 presentation on Final Tithe (Nov 23 seminar on planned giving; PDF)
– Hope LHS bulletin insert (auction and Christmas tree lot info; PDF)

One of the services (usually 10:15) will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
30 S Wabasha
Plainview, MN 55964

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Members: If you have offering envelopes and wish to mail your offering, they are addressed and just need a stamp.

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

Nov 10 – 25th Sunday after Pentecost

The Divine Service for the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost (November 10, 2024)

“The Greater Gift” – Mark 12:38-44

November 10 worship service (web version)
November 10 bulletin (PDF)
November 10 announcements (PDF)

Other repeat inserts for your consideration:
– Final Tithe insert (Nov 23 seminar on planned giving; PDF)
– Hope LHS bulletin insert (auction and Christmas tree lot info; PDF)

One of the services (usually 10:15) will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
30 S Wabasha
Plainview, MN 55964

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Members: If you have offering envelopes and wish to mail your offering, they are addressed and just need a stamp.

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

Nov 26 – Parables and Possessions

The Divine Service for the Last Sunday of the Church Year (November 26, 2023)

The stewardship series of “Parables and Possessions” concludes with guest pastor, Rev. Dale Kohrs, preaching.

“The Results of Faith” – Matthew 25:31-46

November 26 worship service (web version)
November 26 bulletin (PDF)
November 26 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

10:15 recorded service with hymns

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2024 offering envelopes are now available to pick up in the church resource room (near the elevator).

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

Nov 19 – Parables and Possessions

The Divine Service for the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost (November 19, 2023).

Immanuel continues through the end-times readings for the end of the Church year through a stewardship series titled, “Parables and Possessions.”

“Know the Generosity of Jesus” – Matthew 25:14-30

November 19, 2023 worship service (web version)
November 19 bulletin (PDF)
November 19 announcements (PDF)

We welcome students and staff of Hope Lutheran High School in Winona in worship today! Immanuel is part of a multi-congregation association that supports Lutheran education at the high school level in our area.

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

10:15 recorded service with hymn texts and special guests from Hope Lutheran High School, Winona, MN

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2024 offering envelopes are now available to pick up in the church resource room (near the elevator).

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

Nov 12 – Parables and Possessions

The Divine Service for November 12, 2023.

Immanuel begins a three-week stewardship series of “Parables and Possessions.” The last weeks of the Church year contain parables of Jesus that teach about the last days and His coming again. This inspires the Christian to use our time, talents, and possessions in a way that glorifies God and seeks to expand His kingdom.

“The Faithful Servant” – Matthew 24:45-51

November 12 worship service (web version)
November 12 bulletin (PDF)
November 12 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

8:00 recorded service with hymn texts

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2024 offering envelopes are now available to pick up in the church resource room (near the elevator).

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

Nov 27 – Special Series: Money Matters, part 3

The Divine Service for November 27, 2022. This is also the First Sunday of Advent and the start of the new Church year which will resume next Sunday.

“Sowing and Harvesting” – 2 Corinthians 9:8–15

Today we wrap up our three-week sermon series called “Money Matters.” Making our way through 2 Corinthians 8–9, we come to 2 Corinthians 9:8–15 where the apostle compares money to seeds. Money to seeds? Let’s take a look.

Nov 27, 2022 worship service (online)
Nov 27, 2022 bulletin (PDF)
Nov 27, 2022 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

10:15 recorded service with hymn texts and edited for time

If you have been blessed and would like to support this video ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Nov 20 – Special Series: Money Matters, part 2

The Divine Service for November 20, 2022. We are mid-way through a Stewardship Series entitled “Money Matters” that dives into how Christians respond to our Lord’s earthly blessings.

“Hey, Big Spender!” – 2 Corinthians 9:1-7

When it comes to money, what kind of spender are you? Impulsive? Stingy? Generous? When it comes to what our Lord has given to and for us, His Word shows us that He is generous and wants us to be the same. We can be when we are equipped by the generosity of Christ through the Gospel!

November 20 worship service (online)
November 20, 2022 bulletin (PDF)
November 20, 2022 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

10:15 recorded service with hymns

If you have been blessed and would like to support this video ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Nov 13 – Special Series – Money Matters

The Divine Service for November 13, 2022. We begin a Stewardship Series entitled “Money Matters” that dives into how Christians respond to our Lord’s earthly blessings.

“The Macedonian Model” – 2 Corinthians 8:1-9

November 13 worship service (online)
November 13 2022 bulletin (PDF)
November 13 2022 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

10:15 service edited for time and hymns

If you have been blessed and would like to support this video ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Nov 21 – Last Sunday of the Church Year

The Divine Service for the Last Sunday of the Church Year (Nov 21, 2021). This Sunday is also the final Sunday in the stewardship series of “Growing as Stewards in Faith, Love, and Hope.” Equipped with the Word and promises of God, we are prepared for our Lord’s return. But while we wait, we make the best use of our time, talent, and treasure so that others are also equipped with faith, love, and hope in Christ Jesus. Hope is not wishful thinking, but the spiritual courage the Holy Spirit pours into us to keep us going and growing!

2021-11-21 service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
2021-11-21 announcements (PDF)
2021-11-21 Stewardship Inserts (PDF)

The 10:15 service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

“Inspired by Hope” – Romans 5:1-5

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. If you do not have your 2021 offering envelopes, contact the church office to get them.

You can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May your week ahead be blessed in the Lord!