Tag Archives: Lent

February 28 – Second Sunday in Lent

The service for the Second Sunday in Lent (February 28, 2021). Are you concerned about equality? Our freedoms in this country are a great blessing, though many have had struggles to share in them. Civil rights for women and minorities have been won through proper legislation guided by common sense principles. Sadly, recent legislation lacks common sense and puts the teachings of the Church under tremendous pressure to cave into the ways of the world and Satan’s power. The Christian’s burden on this side of heaven is to hear the Lord’s call to pick up our cross and follow Him. But we do so because God has equally justified all people through the blood of Jesus. We are given true freedom from sin, death, and Satan through God’s action to save us. Thanks be to God!

February 28 video service
February 28 bulletin
February 28 announcements

“God’s Equality Act” – Romans 5:1-11

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. If you do not have your 2021 offering envelopes, contact the church office to get them.

You can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Thank you for your prayers and support!

February 21 – First Sunday in Lent

The service for the First Sunday in Lent (February 21, 2021). Have you ever wondered “Why me?” Maybe it was after a series of unfortunate events or something that just really overwhelmed you. Abraham was potentially overwhelmed with a test of faith as God asked him to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Yet, Abraham trusted God to get him through an unbearable request. And God did. God gave Abraham more than he could bear so that he dared not lean on himself, but stay totally committed to God. Thus, this shows how God is totally committed to saving us by laying on His beloved son, Jesus, all our sins. Jesus bore it all on the cross, so now we can look to His cross as our way of escape and enduring when troubles and testing of faith seem to overwhelm us.

February 21 video service
February 21 bulletin
February 21 announcements

The service video is now recorded from one of the Sunday morning services. We will get it linked here by Monday night or Tuesday morning.

Sermon theme: “Why Me?” – Genesis 22:1-18

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. If you do not have your 2021 offering envelopes, contact the church office to get them.

You can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Thank you for your prayers and support!

February 17 – Ash Wednesday

The service for Ash Wednesday (Feb 17, 2021). We took precautions and did not have the imposition of ashes this year. But we do remember the curse of sin: Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return (Gen 3:19).

This year we go through the book of Zechariah during Lent and Holy Week. We hear the Lord’s call to “return to me” … “and I will return to you.” For our Christian life, we daily must remember to put first things first with repentance and faith.

We hope to capture all our Lenten services and post them here and on Facebook when they are available. If you would like to assist with recording a service (it’s easy!), contact the church office.