Tag Archives: Christmas

Dec 18 – ILS Christmas Program

Just in case you missed the ILS Christmas program, “Manger Tales”, here is the video livestream of the program. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas! PreK-8 students all participated in this unique telling of the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth through the eyes of the animals. The program was Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

If you would like to support the mission of Immanuel Lutheran School to train up children in the way they should go, you can send gifts to:

Immanuel Lutheran School
30 S Wabasha
Plainview, MN 55964

Or give online via this page on this website.

To learn more about our Lutheran School, check out the website or schedule a visit! We would love to share the joy of Jesus with as many students as we can!

Merry Christmas!

Dec 24 – Fourth Sunday in Advent/Christmas Eve

The Divine Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, but using Christmas Eve hymns and scripture readings.

“What Kind of Christmas Will You Have?” – Matthew 1:18-25

December 24 worship service (web version)
December 24 bulletin (PDF)
December 24 announcements (PDF)

There is just one service for this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. as the second (and different) service will be at 5:00 p.m. This service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The edited video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

9:30 recorded service with hymns
5:00 p.m. live stream recording

Merry Christmas!

Your prayers and financial support for the spreading of the Gospel through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School are greatly needed! You can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2024 offering envelopes are now available to pick up in the church resource room (near the elevator).

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Notice a problem or something missing or unusual? Contact us so we can fix it!

January 1 – Circumcision and Name of Jesus

The Divine Service for the 8th Day of Christmas (Jan. 1, 2023) where the Church celebrates the Circumcision and Name of Jesus.

“Blood and a Name” – Luke 2:21

Why is the circumcision of Jesus a big deal? Like so many things that God commands, the significance can be lost if not treasured from generation to generation. Praise God that Mary and Joseph did not shy away from their duty and brought Jesus to be circumcised and shed His first blood for our salvation as He begins the fulfillment of God’s commands and promises!

January 1 worship service (online)
January 1 2023 bulletin (PDF)
January 1 2023 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

10:15 recorded service edited for hymns

If you have been blessed and would like to support this video ministry, you can can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Also, 2023 offering envelopes are now available. They are currently set out in the resource room of the church.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

December 25 – Christmas Day

The Divine Service for the Nativity of Our Lord (December 25, 2022)

“The Word is Born!” – John 1:1-14

December 25 worship service (online)
December 25 2022 bulletin (PDF)
December 25 2022 announcements (PDF)

Christmas Day Divine Service – edited for time and hymns

If you have been blessed and would like to support this video ministry, you can can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Also, 2023 offering envelopes are now available. They are currently set out in the resource room of the church.

2022 financial contributions must be postmarked by December 31 if mailed to the office or dropped off at the office before December 30. The office will not be open on Friday, December 30.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Dec 18 – Fourth Sunday in Advent

The Divine Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent (December 18, 2022)

“Preparing for Immanuel” – Matthew 1:18-25

The 8:00 service today will be a regular service where we will hear the Advent preparations God had with Joseph so that he would carry out God’s will for him to be the earthly father for Jesus.

The 10:15 service will be our Sunday School Christmas program featuring the Christmas story told by our Pre-K to 6th grade students. The recorded service is linked below. It is recommended that you turn on YouTube’s closed captioning to better capture what the children are saying. Sometimes, they speak too quickly for us to understand them (very normal with nervous children!). The captions are automatically generated, so the words are not always correct, but usually close enough to understand the message.

December 18 2022 bulletin (PDF)
December 18 2022 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

Immanuel’s Sunday School Christmas Program

If you have been blessed and would like to support this video ministry, you can can give here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Also, 2023 offering envelopes are now available. They are currently set out in the resource room of the church.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Jan 2 – 2nd Sunday after Christmas

The Divine Service for the Second Sunday after Christmas (January 2, 2022)

“In My Father’s House” – Luke 2:40-52

We find Jesus at 12 years-old in his Father’s house. No, not the house of his earthly step-father, Joseph, but his heavenly Father’s house – the holy temple in Jerusalem. There he engaged the wisdom of God found in the Scriptures. By the grace of God, may we also resolve to be where God’s truth is found as we gather to hear His wisdom found in Word and Sacrament!

January 2 2022 worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
January 2 2022 bulletin (PDF)
January 2 2022 announcements (PDF)

The 10:15 service will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the resource room, or contact the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May you have a blessed New Year!

Dec 25 – Christmas Day Worship

The Divine Service for the Nativity of Our Lord – Christmas Day, 2021

“A Most Extraordinary Time” – Galatians 4”4-7

The birth of Jesus ushers in a most extraordinary time. Christmas isn’t ordinary for us, nor is it for God. For in the birth of Jesus, God does a most extraordinary thing. He bursts into this world in order to save it! Merry Christmas!

December 25 2021 Christmas Day service (PDF)

Here are the bulletin and announcements for the week of Dec 26:
December 26 2021 bulletin (PDF)
December 26 2021 announcements (PDF)
Note: this service was not recorded or streamed

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the resource room, or contact the church office to get them.

Contributions must be made or mailed by December 31 for charitable contribution credit in 2021.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May your week ahead be blessed in the Lord!

Dec 19 – Sunday School Christmas

Today’s service recording features the hard work of our Sunday School students and teachers to learn and proclaim the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This service is titled, “His Name is Jesus” and includes many familiar Christmas hymns along with the message of Jesus’ birth.

December 19 – Children’s Program (PDF)
December 19 – 8 am service (PDF – service not recorded)
December 19 bulletin and announcements (PDF)

The 10:15 service (Sunday School Christmas program) will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the north narthex, or contact the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May you have a blessed and joyful Christmas!