Category Archives: Worship

November 1 – All Saints Day

The service of the Word and Prayer for All Saints Sunday. Are you blessed? In Christ, yes – yes, you are! Though the blessing we seek isn’t always what the Lord has in mind for us, the Beatitudes of Matthew 5:1-12 show us the blessing Christ becomes for us and helps us see when we are struggling with life. This service will announce the names of our congregational members who have died since the last All Saints service. May they rest in peace, even as they with us long for the day of our Lord’s return!

This week Tuesday, November 3, is the general elections of 2020. But how do you select a candidate to vote for? Here is a helpful guide put out by the MN South District to help you consider the issues that Christians should be on the lookout for in candidates for office at all levels of government:

November 1 – All Saints Day – Video service
November 1 bulletin
November 1 announcements

“Blessed? Yes, Blessed!” – Matthew 5:1-12

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

October 25 – Reformation Sunday

The service of the Word and Prayer for Reformation Sunday (October 25, 2020). We will never understand the grace of God unless we get just how sin messes with our hearts and lives. We can end in despair or in prideful self-righteousness unless we are guided to a better understanding of who God is. Jesus comes to forgive and tells us to abide in His Word that we would know real truth that sets us free of both despair and pride. May the blessings of the Reformation’s emphasis on the power of the Gospel to save give you cause to rejoice in your salvation!

It’s nearly time to vote in the general elections of 2020. But how do you select a candidate to vote for? Here is a helpful guide put out by the MN South District to help you consider the issues that Christians should be on the lookout for in candidates for office at all levels of government:

October 25 – Reformation video service
October 25 bulletin
October 25 announcements
Confirmand verses and statements
October 2020 – Vicar PJ and Melanie Aarsvold letter

Abide iin the Word – John 8:31-36

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

October 18 – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (October 18, 2020). Did you know that as a Christian, you have dual citizenship? God uses government (Caesar) to exercise His authority over sinful creation that we are born into, yet by grace given through His Word and in baptism, we are born into the kingdom of God. It’s a challenge to be faithful when there is much to dislike about government in general or a specific leader, but God says to honor them as His agents of authority even as we honor Christ Jesus by obeying God’s commands.

As US citizens, we have a duty to vote and thus honor God. But how do you select a candidate to vote for? Here is a helpful guide put out by the MN South District to help you consider the issues that Christians should be on the lookout for in candidates for office at all levels of government:

October 18 video service
October 18 bulletin
October 18 announcements

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

October 11 – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (October 11, 2020). A four-week sermon series concludes this week on St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Rejoice in the Lord always! Easier said than done, but God faithfully provides the joy because of what Christ has done. How can we not rejoice? Thank you, Jesus!

October 11 video service
October 11 bulletin
October 11 announcements

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

October 4 – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (October 4, 2020). The sermon series through the book of Philippians continues with a guest preacher, Rev. Kurt Klaus of Messiah Lutheran Church in Lakeville, MN. Immanuel’s regular video service will resume next week as volunteers are on vacation this week.
Update: Pastor did record a video of the readings and sermon. See it below the first video post.

Here are the weekly bulletin and announcements for Immanuel:
October 4 bulletin
October 4 announcements

Main Street Living is a donor supported LCMS ministry that brings a 30 minute church service to several broadcast markets, including the Twin Cities. This is broadcast Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. on Fox 9+ (channel 29 on many cable/satellite providers or check your local listings/service provider for Fox 9+). Find out more or give a gift to this ministry at

Main Street Living video service with Rev. Kurt Klaus from Messiah Lutheran Church in Lakeville, MN. His message titled “Whatcha lookin’ at?” will be based on Philippians 3:4b-14.
Pastor Augustine’s message “The Joy of Losing Everything” from Philippians 3:4b-14

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

Sept 27 – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 27, 2020). A four-week sermon series continues this week on St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Do you have joy in the mind of Christ? JOY stands for Jesus, Others, Yourself. When you have the mind of Christ, true joy becomes apparent in your life and the lives of others.

Sept 27 Video service
Sept 27 bulletin
Sept 27 announcements

“Joy in the Mind of Christ” – Philippians 2:1-18

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

September 20 – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 20, 2020). A four-week sermon series begins this week on St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Do you have joy that never ends? You do if you have Jesus in your life! We will explore what this means in the weeks ahead as we dive in to this delightful, joyful letter from Paul to the Church.

September 20, 2020 Video Service
September 20, 2020 Church bulletin
September 20, 2020 announcements

“Joy That Never Ends” – Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

September 13 – Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 13, 2020). The theme of forgiveness continues this week as we ponder how we react when someone sins against us. We easily seek forgiveness for the “little” sins we commit, but it’s much harder to forgive the “big” sin someone has done to me. Thanks be to God we have a bigger Savior who forgives and heals our wounded hearts that we can also forgive from the heart.

Video service bulletin
September 13 Church Bulletin
September 13 announcements

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

September 6 – Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word and Prayer for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (September 6, 2020). Forgiveness is not an easy thing but empowered by Christ it is a possible thing to do. The energy which makes forgiveness possible for a human being flows from the cross, not from any innate ability we may have. Many thanks to Rev. John Fuchs for providing the message today!

Video Service bulletin: Worship for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Weekly church bulletin: September 6 Church Bulletin
Weekly announcements: September 6 announcements

“Care-full with God’s Keys” – Matthew 18:10-20

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.

August 30 – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

The service of the Word for August 30, 2020, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost in the liturgical life of the Church. The theme for the day is “Christ be my Leader” from the Gospel reading of Matthew 16:21-28. The Christian life is one of taking up the cross of Christ and following Jesus. And when our footsteps wander off our Lord’s path, which is often, Jesus brings us back with His call to repent and receive His love and forgiveness.

Service bulletin: Worship service for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Weekly church bulletin: August 30 Bulletin
Weekly announcements: August 30 weekly calendar and announcements

If you have been blessed with this service of the Word and would like to support this ministry, you can mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are ready to mail.

Please do not mail cash. You can also give online here.