Author Archives: Pastor Phil Augustine

April 3 – Fifth Sunday in Lent

The Divine Service for the Fifth Sunday in Lent (April 3, 2022)

“The Cornerstone Will Get You” – Luke 20:9-20

A fragile piece of pottery will break if dropped on a rock. It can be really shattered if a big rock is dropped on it. Either way, the rock wins, the pottery loses. As sinners we must confront the fact that God is holy and we are not. We can fall on the rock that was rejected (Jesus), which is to repent and seek forgiveness. Or, we can also reject the rock and find ourselves crushed by it on the day of judgment. Better to fall on Jesus and let Him put you back together through His suffering, death, and resurrection!

April 3 2022 worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
April 3 2022 bulletin (PDF)
April 3 2022 announcements (PDF)

April 2022 ILS Newsletter (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. It has been the 8:00 service lately. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Remaining 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

March 27 – Fourth Sunday in Lent

The Divine Service for the Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 27, 2022

“A Song of Joy” – Isaiah 12:1-6

Joy? In Lent? Yes! This Sunday we still hear the Lenten call to repent, yet God’s Word assures us that God’s wrath for our sins has been turned away because of Jesus’ sacrifice. And that is what brings joy to our lives and fills our hearts to sing to the Lord.

March 27 2022 worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
March 27 2022 bulletin (PDF)
March 27 2022 announcements (PDF)

Poster for spring rally 2022 (PDF) – Invitation to LWML event on April 9

Easter Flowers (PDF) order form to order Easter flowers for decorating the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 17. Orders due by April 3. This is just an option to simplify your flower donations. You are free to get flowers from any supplier.

Find out more on the Stained Glass Window project! New totals as of March 11!

Due to illness, the service will not will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. It will be recorded and the processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution (please do not mail cash) to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Remaining 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

March 20 – Third Sunday in Lent

The Divine Service for the Third Sunday in Lent (March 20, 2022)

“Bearing Lenten Fruit” – Luke 13:1-9

What do you think of God when bad things happen? Is it judgment? Is it God getting even with you? Those are natural questions flowing from our sinful nature. But they are the wrong questions. When bad things happen, it is a reminder of sin in my own life and throughout the world. So, the right question is: Am I repentant? Repentance is the fruit of faith that is cultivated in our hearts, especially during this season of Lent. Then, the forgiven heart seeks out the other fruits of faith that God desires. Fruit that we see in Jesus and His cross.

March 20 2022 worship service (PDF)
March 20 2022 bulletin (PDF)
March 20 2022 announcements (PDF)

Easter Flowers (PDF) order form to order Easter flowers for decorating the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 17. Orders due by April 3. This is just an option to simplify your flower donations. You are free to get flowers from any supplier.

Find out more on the Stained Glass Window project! New totals as of March 11!

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. It has been the 8:00 service lately. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

8:00 recorded service

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Remaining 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

March 13 – Second Sunday in Lent

The Divine Service for the Second Sunday in Lent (March 13, 2022)

“The Lenten Mindset” – Philippians 3:17-4:1

St. Paul encourages the Church to imitate him. This sounds arrogant, but Paul’s point is to imitate him in clinging to Christ and His righteousness won on the cross. All our earthly efforts to show ourselves worthy to God is just vanity. But when we return to our baptismal identity where we are crucified and raised with Christ, the Lenten mindset is renewed as we strive to live a life of repentance and faith in Christ.

March 13 2022 worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
March 13 2022 bulletin (PDF)
March 13 2022 announcements (PDF)

Easter Flowers (PDF) order form to order Easter flowers for decorating the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 17. Orders due by April 3. This is just an option to simplify your flower donations. You are free to get flowers from any supplier.

Find out more on the Stained Glass Window project! New totals as of March 11!

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. It has been the 8:00 service lately. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

8:00 service recording

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Remaining 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

March 6 – First Sunday in Lent

The Divine Service for the First Sunday in Lent (March 6, 2022)

“For Us Fights the Valiant One” – Romans 10 and Luke 4

The sermon title wording is from the great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress”. When the devil is after us, we know that Jesus has already been victorious over him as He withstands the temptations and ultimately the cross. That victory is given to people who hear this Word of God and by His grace, believe it. Then we by faith can call upon Jesus as Lord because God has raised Him from the dead. So, we confess (to speak from the heart) what God has already put into it: the truth that I am saved. What a joy to know that my sin cannot take that salvation from me! Oh, the devil will try, but Jesus’ victory can never be taken away.

March 6 2022 worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
March 6 2022 bulletin (PDF)
March 6 2022 announcements (PDF)
Easter Flowers (PDF) insert to order Easter flowers for decorating the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 17.

Find out more on the Stained Glass Window project!

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. It has been the 8:00 service lately. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

8:00 service recording

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Remaining 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support! May God bless your week!

Feb 27 – Transfiguration of Our Lord

The Divine Service for the Transfiguration of Our Lord (February 27, 2022)

“A Glimpse of Glory” – Luke 9:28-36

The season of Epiphany comes to a close as Jesus shows Peter, James, and John a glimpse of His glory that all will see, along with the faithful followers of the one true God, such as Moses and Elijah. But in order to get that Day, we need to listen to and follow our guide, who is Christ Jesus. The way will not be easy, nor without trouble. As Jesus bore the cross for us and our salvation, we may also bear the cross of faithfulness in our lives. But the reward will be worth it when our mortal bodies are transfigured to have immortal bodies as Jesus now has!

Feb 27 2022 worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
Feb 27 2022 bulletin (PDF)
Feb 27 2022 announcements (PDF)

Find out more on the Stained Glass Window project!

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. It has been the 8:00 service lately. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

8:00 service

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. Remaining 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Feb 20 – Seventh Sunday after Epiphany

The Divine Service for the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany (February 20, 2022)

“Love Your Enemies” – Luke 6:27-38

Jesus continues preaching His sermon on the plain to teach us they way that He will walk to the cross. He will love His enemies. He will turn the other cheek. He will not judge and will allow Himself to be judged on our behalf. What amazing love God shows us! How can we not try to also love our enemies as Christ has loved them? Even our enemies are people for whom Christ has died. Let us love as God has loved us.

February 20 2022 Worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
February 20 2022 bulletin (PDF)
February 20 2022 announcements (PDF)

Find out more on the Stained Glass Window project!

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

8:00 service

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the church/school office. They can be mailed to you or stop by the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Stained Glass Window Project

For over 100 years, the stained-glass windows at Immanuel Lutheran Church have adorned the Gospel of Jesus Christ with light and beauty. But like everything in life, things start breaking or falling apart and need some repair. In January 2022 the congregation approved this repair project that has been in the works for several years as various contractors have noted cracked glass, loose lead, and soft wood in some places. The protective plexiglass on the exterior has also become discolored and prevents the windows from being clearly viewed by the outside world during evening services.

Financial Progress:

As of June 24, 2023, thanks to generous donations this month, the project is paid for! Thank you! This amount includes initial matching funds of $25,000. Thank you to all the donors and families who directed memorials to this project.

Work to be completed on each window includes:

  • The existing protective covering on the outside will be removed.
  • Remove loose paint on the outer surface of the millwork.
  • Apply both a primer and finish coat of Sherwin Williams Duration paint.
  • Re-cement the stained-glass windows on the exterior surface.
  • Replace and install new steel structural support braces by either soldering or installing new wire ties to aid in preventing of future bulging.
  • Loose support braces will be properly attached by either re-soldering the broken joint or installing a new wire tie. Damaged or bent braces will be replaced with a new steel brace.
  • Repair bulges in sections of window that have become weak where the lead and glass deflect in or out. If not rectified, it may damage both glass and lead joints, eventually leading to a potential hazard.
  • To perpetuate the originality of the historic stained-glass window, either epoxy minor cracks, edge glue, or utilize the “Dutchmen” leading process for windows left in situ.
  • The windows will be covered with an exclusive Klear-Flo protective covering system utilizing ¼” Acrylic. The protective covering will be set into the existing ventilator frames in such a manner that they will remain operational.
  • The Klear-Flo protective covering system will be installed utilizing a special perimeter frame.
  • Glazing bars will be bent to follow the major lines of the framing, thus preserving the exterior appearance of the architecture.


This proposal to restore and protect 15 stained-glass windows is in the amount of $107,718.

We must also be aware that additional costs could come up if the contractor, Associate Crafts/Willet Hauser of Winona, MN, finds other things broken or rotted that were not found on their inspection when putting together their bid. Thanks be to God, no significant items were found. Some wood was replaced on the west window, but we were not charged extra for it.

Project Update:

The window panels by the organ in the balcony have been removed and are at the shop in Winona for repairs. The company had initially planned to return in late July to reinstall those windows and continue with the rest of the window restorations. However, the severe weather in the midwest during the summer caused damages to church windows that Willet Hauser needed to address and caused our project to be delayed. The restoration work began on May 16 and was completed on June 11!


Pictures sent to the Trustees in early November 2022, showing the progress of restoration on the windows in their shop in Winona.

May our Lord bless His people and their efforts to glorify Him in this house of worship!

Feb 13 – Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

The Divine Service for the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany (February 13, 2022)

“God’s Power to Bless” – Luke 6:17-26

The crowds that followed Jesus in His early ministry sought His healing hand. Power to heal would go out from His touch. Power to save souls would go out by the words He spoke. May we not seek the power of the world or use that power for sin and evil, but rather let God’s power to bless come into our lives that enable us to live in peace, knowing that our salvation is secure in Christ!

February 13 2022 Worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
February 13 2022 bulletin (PDF)
February 13 2022 announcements (PDF)

We apologize that live-streaming will not be available for this service as our video volunteer is on vacation. The service will be recorded and posted later.

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the resource room at church, or contact the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Feb 6 – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

The Divine Service for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (Feb 6, 2022)

“Fear Not, Astonished Sinner” — Luke 5:1-11

There are times in the life of a Christian where you realize you are in the presence of God’s holiness, and it strikes fear into your heart. This is where the Triune God is different. Instead of relishing in our fear and using it to control or destroy us, God astonishes us with His love and mercy. He calms the fear and casts it upon the cross of Jesus that we would know that our sin is forgiven!

Many thanks to Pastor John Fuchs, Emeritus, who leads the service today.

February 6 2022 Worship service (PDF) or try this web version that will fit your computer, tablet, or phone.
February 6 2022 bulletin (PDF)
February 6 2022 announcements (PDF)

One of the services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The processed video will be linked on this page when the hymn texts are added.

If you have been blessed and would like to support this ministry, you can can give online here through our online service or check out other ways to give a financial gift to Immanuel. Or mail your contribution to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church
45 West Broadway
Plainview, MN 55964

Please do not mail cash.
Members: If you have offering envelopes, they are addressed and just need a stamp. 2022 offering envelopes are now available in the resource room at church, or contact the church office to get them.

Thank you for your prayers and support!